I live on the internet because it's an infinite void that I can disappear into. My real life is limited and hopeless, and I don't feel like I belong in it. On the internet, I'm not really there, but at least I can pretend to be someone I’m not without anyone noticing. I don't really love the internet. It's just the only place where I feel like I can escape from my miserable existence. There's nothing special about it - just an endless stream of distractions that keep me from thinking too much about how sad and lonely I am. I know that my online persona is just a facade, but it's the only way I can get any kind of validation or recognition. In the real world, I'm just another nobody, but on the internet, I can pretend to be someone who matters. It's all just an act, though. A pathetic attempt to find some kind of meaning or purpose in a world that has nothing to offer me.